
Appearance Setting

Click menu “Options->Preferences” to enter the Preferences Window. Click “Appearance” in the left.

For now, only setting of editing area’s font is supported.


Auto Backup

BasicCAT supports auto backup. You can set up its time interval. The backup files will be stored in the project’s bak folder.


Version Control Using Git

BasicCAT comes with git and can execute git add and git commit every time the project is saved.

You can set git commit’s user information in Preferences. If you need to sync with remote repositories, you can set a password.


You can use git show to see what the latest changes are. You have to install Git on your computer to do this. You can use git reset to return to a previous version.


More functions can be realized by installing a git desktop client.

Managing Plugins

BasicCAT currently supports two kinds of plugins. One is machine translation plugin and the other is filter plugin. You can set the plugin folder and add or remove plugins in the Preferences.
